Questions and Answers1641
- Why do we say à la semaine prochaine, but we say prochaine juin? Why does prochain come after “week” but before a certain month? - 14 May, 2020 - Answer Answered
- Why is it "vraie cuisine" instead of "cuisine vraie" when the lesson on this says that "vrai" after the noun means "real" or "true"? - 14 May, 2020 - Answer Answered
- when to use aimer/adorer - 14 May, 2020 - Answer Answered
- Let's avoid them an awkward situation - 18 August, 2018 - Question Answered
- Depuis qu' il est petit, il adore les sucettes. (Since he was small, he's loved lollipops.) - 18 August, 2018 - Answer Answered
- why not he climbed down the magic beanstalk? - 8 October, 2018 - Answer Answered
- Is choice of imparfait or passé composé always black and white? - 4 September, 2018 - Answer Answered
- Fence - 5 September, 2018 - Answer Answered
- How does se passer differ from passer with être? - 29 January, 2018 - Answer Answered
- Nous nous habillions - 29 January, 2018 - Answer Answered