Kwiziq for investors
Invest in the next generation EdTech
Kwiziq offers a truly personalised learning experience for students and a proven method for improving retention and fluency.
We work with teachers, content providers and schools to boost their existing language learning content and tools.
We successfully completed a seed round of investment in August 2015 which we are using to augment and improve our core tools and expand into new languages. We are considering a second, larger fund raising round in the future.
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I'm not even sure how I came across your site but after an hour on it it dawned on me that this was what I'd been searching for for a long while. I've tried other sites but your site is pretty much bang on. I just wish I'd found it earlier. The ability to self-test and then have explanations as to why you're wrong is essential, not only as a yardstick as to how you're doing but if you're doing it right the kudos and confidence that follows because you now 'get it'. Nice one!
- Stuart