Strategies for Long-Term French Learning Motivation

Let’s Keep These Good Vibes Going!

Do you remember how motivated you were when you first started learning Language?

How does that passion compare to hitting the 50-hours-of-study mark and realising you're not even 10% of the way to fluency?

You're not alone!

Keeping your motivation and consistency while learning a language is one of the hardest hurdles to overcome—yes, even harder than mastering the subjunctive mood.

But with the right strategies under your belt, you'll be equipped to combat the motivation blues and press on to the 600-hour mark and beyond!

Here are our top tips for keeping up the drive you need to progress.

Table of Contents

Measurement Milestones

Our first tip is all about how you measure your progress. If you compare your abilities day to day, you'll soon want to give up! The difference in your Language skills between days 141 and 142 won't be very exciting.

So don't measure your progress day by day!

Rather, find Language-related events throughout the year that are at least a few months apart. These measurement milestones could be:

When you see how far you've come between these spaced-out milestones, you'll see it's worth persevering!

Keep up this long-term routine by always having one Language-speaking event ahead of you, however far away. Make it your goal to improve as much as possible between now and that next measurement milestone.

Goals to Keep You Going

Did someone say goals?!

Goals are crucial to making real progress. The aforementioned measurement milestones are just a type of goal!

Of course, you can set more goals than just these spread-out Language-speaking events. But they need to beachievable, because feeling like you're failing is a surefire way to knock your motivation.

It's all about the type of goals you set. SMART is a handy acronym for what makes a good goal:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Reasonable
  • Timely

In other words, don't set a goal like "Become fluent in Language." Instead, start with "By next month, I'll read this paragraph without pronunciation mistakes."

When you achieve a SMART goal, you'll be fired up to set and smash the next one! This is a great way to keep fueling your motivation, no matter how long you've been studying Language.

Keep It Interesting

It doesn't matter how many exciting milestones you have ahead or how many SMART goals you set—boredom can destroy even the best of intentions.

But if you can combat boredom, you can sustain your motivation long term!

The trick is keeping the journey exciting. Especially in the intermediate or advanced stages of the language, this can be a challenge. How can you make studying subjects like French verb aspect exciting?

By using lots of different study methods! Of course, deliberate, focused study sessions are the best way to learn. But don't do this at the exclusion of more fun challenges, like:

These activities keep your journey to fluency interesting. They can even help you spot weaknesses in your skills that you'd miss studying alone.

Build on a Strong Foundation

Milestones, goals, and challenges will keep the journey interesting. But the journey will only be successful with the right language-learning tools.

All of our learning resources are developed by expert native Language teachers. They know exactly how to help English speakers grasp more complex subjects with simple lessons and challenging exercises.

Keep yourself motivated with the tips in this article, but don't forget to use our powerful materials as the foundation of your progress. Access all our free resources by creating your own Kwiziq account today!


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